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BlackMoonRising Page 8

  Steve shook his head. Herman was such a protective man and that was one of the things that Steve already loved about him. It would be nice for Herman to hold him and kiss him and tell him everything was going to be okay. But everything wasn’t okay. Things were getting scarier, and he didn’t know whether or not he should tell Herman that Merlotti was looking for him. “I’m sorry, but not right now.”

  “You look miserable.”

  Right now he needed Herman. He didn’t have to tell him everything but he could love him. As Steve moved his hands up Herman’s strong forearms, he put his hands to his face and kissed him. His cock rose and pushed against his tight jeans.

  “I’m ready to help you relieve the tension. Say the word.”

  Steve smiled. Being with Herman gave him a sense of solace from the world. “Word.” He unzipped his pants and pulled them off.

  After Herman sank to his knees, Steve fed him his aching shaft. His rod pulsed with need as Herman sucked. Steve sighed as he looked at Herman’s beautiful mouth working over him, each sensation causing him to grow larger. How did he get so damn lucky? Their meeting had been accidental, but felt oh so right this time. He touched Herman’s full, wet lips as they moved softly along his dick. What a gorgeous man and he was all Steve’s. Herman stuck out his tongue at Steve and licked around his own lips, and then around the tip of Steve’s cock.

  Steve laughed. “You’re driving me crazy.” He moved his pelvis slowly at first and then increased the speed as he began to fuck Herman’s mouth. Herman kept up with the sucking, not letting go, so Steve pumped faster.

  “Oh Herman.” Steve groaned, barely able to stand. “I’m coming.”

  He began to lose control as the heat spread from his pelvis to every point in his body. Everything was about his orgasm.

  Suddenly he reached the boiling point and the pleasure began to tear through him. It was only moments later that Steve exploded into Herman’s throat, unable to hold out any longer. Herman never left Steve’s shaft, taking in every drop as he continued to make love with his mouth to the man in front of him. As the orgasm slowly began to fade away, Steve put his hands into Herman’s short hair to let him know he could stop.

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  Herman lifted his head and Steve helped him to stand. “Hope you feel better now.”

  Steve groaned. “You bet I do. You’re fantastic but we’re not finished. I want to fuck that hot ass of yours.”

  “Before or after dinner?”

  “You made dinner?” Steve glanced toward the kitchen and twitched his nose. “Wow! A perk I wasn’t expecting.”

  “A little casserole. It’s on a timer. Probably another fifteen minutes or so.”

  “I do smell something good.”

  “Yep, of course you do. That’s because I’m a house husband.” Herman put his hands on his hips. “Remember?”

  Steve chuckled. “But you didn’t want to be one. You complained about it only yesterday, if I’m remembering correctly.”

  “I’m making the best of a temporary situation.” His eyes widened. “Did you hear me? I said temporary. Once this entire mess is over, we need to reevaluate our roles in this relationship. No more house husband. I like my job. I’m for being equal in this relationship. We can cook sometimes and go out to eat sometimes.” He tilted his head. “Or we can pick up carry-out.”

  “All right. No argument from me.” Steve narrowed his eyes as he looked into Herman’s. “Now show it to me.”

  “What are you talking about?” Herman threw up his hands. “I have no idea.”

  “That ass.”

  Herman’s mouth turned upward into a smile. He slowly removed his pants and his cock poked through his briefs. He thrust out his pelvis. “Like it?”

  “Yeah.” Steve pointed toward the hallway. “Thataway.”

  They moved to the bedroom and the bed. Steve pulled off Herman’s briefs and flipped him onto his stomach.

  “Get up on your knees and show me yourself.”

  Herman did as he was told. “You like my ass, boyfriend? I want you to know it’s for your eyes and your dick only.” He shook it from side to side.

  “Yes, I like it.” Steve stared at the round, tight cheeks. Herman was strong and muscular even here. Steve placed a hand on Herman’s ass and let it glide over each cheek.

  “You’re not messing with me?”

  “It’s absolutely magnificent.” Steve sighed. He bent over and kissed each cheek and then spread them as he looked at Herman’s firm hole. “I want nobody but you.”



  “Did you mean what you said last night?”

  “That I love you?”

  “That would be the words.”

  “I do.”

  “You do what?” Herman turned his head to look back at Steve. “Say it.”

  Steve stared back into those gorgeous brown eyes. “I love you, Herman.”

  For a space of a few heartbeats, neither said anything. They stared into each other’s eyes until Steve broke the spell. He changed his focus to the sight in front of him. It was the entry to Herman’s ass and he was already getting hard just looking at it. Heat traveled throughout his body and centered in his shaft. He bent his head and licked over the ridges of his lover’s anus. If all was truthful, he could lick Herman this way for quite a while.

  Herman closed his eyes and threw his head back. “I could almost come when you do that.”

  He pressed inside with the point of his tongue and Herman shuddered. All Steve could think about was fucking Herman and hearing him cry out in delight.

  “Fuck me with your hard, hot cock,” murmured Herman. “I want to feel the heat between us.”

  Steve moved back from Herman and took his rod into his own hands. He rubbed it over Herman’s butt cheeks and then in-between them. He shuddered in happiness at being naked near Herman’s entrance and Herman seemed to do the same. Steve’s dick became hard in seconds.

  It was all he could do not to take Herman right then, before he even applied the condom. But he stopped himself. Perhaps in the future that would be something they could consider as a couple. He shouldn’t do it right now without Herman’s consent. It was important to him to be respectful to this man that he loved.

  He covered his shaft with the condom and greased it up with a handful of lube, applying some to Herman’s beautiful ass. As he placed his rod at the opening, he stopped.

  Herman let out a breath. “What the hell are you waiting for?” he asked impatiently.

  “I want you to tell me how you want it. Slow and easy or hard and fast.”

  “Start of off slow like we have all night and you’ll be able to last. After a few strokes, surprise me and slam into me hard.”

  Steve gently slid his cock head just past the ring of muscles. “How does that feel?”

  “Like heaven.” Herman sighed as he pushed back against Steve.


  “More,” cried Herman. “Don’t make me beg.”

  “But I want you to beg.”

  “Please fuck me with that big, beautiful dick,” Herman pleaded. “Now! I want all of it.”

  Steve moved slowly inside him, inch by inch. It was hard not to thrust right away and give it his all because the sensation of being inside Herman was so great. This was the man he wanted to be with. As Herman groaned in pleasure, Steve pushed deeper and harder. He soon fucked with powerful strokes. His legs quivered and he was ready again, ready to come inside this beautiful man.

  His man.

  He saw Herman working his own shaft into the sheets. The muscles in his biceps flexed as he moved his hand up and down.

  “Herman.” Steve moaned. “Your ass is so hot.”

  It wasn’t long until Herman groaned. They both shouted shortly thereafter as wave after wave of powerful orgasms rocked through them, like water flooding over a broken dam.

  After they relaxed mi
nutes later, Herman pulled Steve close and closed his eyes. “You said you loved me. I’m not letting you go when this is all over. I hope you know that.”

  “Then hold me. I’m yours now.”

  “I was yours five years ago, you brute.”

  They held each other tight until the stove timer went off and it was time to eat dinner.

  * * * * *

  Herman awoke to Steve’s cries—which had nothing to do with sex. The sobbing started and then the muffled scream came from his throat. It was Steve having the dream about his father again. Herman sat up and turned on the bedside light.

  Steve tossed from side to side, the bedsheets already pulled from the mattress. His hair was wet with sweat and his face contorted.

  “Steve, Steve, wake up,” Herman begged as he shook him. “You’re home and everything is okay.”

  As Steve opened his eyes, tears streamed down his face. “No. Not again.” He suddenly became coherent and looked around the room. “Herman?”

  Herman placed a hand on his chest and spoke softly. “I’m here. Wake up, darling. Everything is all right. Do you remember what Nahla said earlier?”

  “My head is cloudy.” He shook his head from side to side. “Remind me.”

  “We’re supposed to write everything down about your dream.” Herman kissed his forehead. “Let me do that for you. You’ve never told me all the details and I want to hear them. I’m trying to help in any way I can.” He took a pad of paper and pen from the nightstand.

  Steve was ready to talk. His eyes narrowed and he frowned. “My father and I had gotten off the bus on Chicago Avenue and were walking north. He hadn’t worked that day. It was a late fall evening. Wednesday. Dark outside—but early, around six. You know, dinnertime. We had picked up groceries at the market and my mom planned to cook spaghetti and garlic bread when we got home. I was happy.“

  Herman wrote as quickly as he could. “Keep talking.”

  “I think we were about four blocks off Chicago Avenue. It was near our home. The lights weren’t so bright anymore and there are no longer any businesses. Just residential buildings. This was an area where the trees were thick and made it hard to even see the sky. I felt a gust of cool wind. Leaves started to blow around us. I suddenly noticed that there weren’t any people walking by.” Steve glanced around the room like he wasn’t there anymore. His eyes appeared to look right through Herman. “It seemed like we were all alone.”

  “Go on.”

  “But we weren’t alone.” Steve inhaled deeply. “My dad grabbed my arm like he knew something was about to happen.”

  “How could he know?”

  “Shifters can sense and smell things that humans can’t.”

  Herman nodded. “You weren’t a shifter then?”

  “No. It happens at puberty.”

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m sorry, babe. Please continue. Your dad grabbed your arm.”

  Steve grimaced. “Suddenly a werewolf blocked our path on the sidewalk. I’d seen werewolves before. They’re the strongest of shifters, with some being violent-tempered. They go from wolf to human and back again as they please. Not like me who can shift to any kind of domestic dog, but then needs a break for recovery time. This werewolf was big and gray. It had black pupils with yellow eyes that glowed in the dark. He snarled and growled and was horribly scary.”

  Herman shook his head in shock.

  “My dad whispered for me to run as fast as I could. I knew this was something I shouldn’t question and ran.” He put a hand over his eyes.

  “What happened next?”

  “When I heard my dad scream, I stopped and turned around. He had shifted into a menacing Doberman, who stood on muscular hind legs as he fought the werewolf to protect his son. But the werewolf was agile and faster than my dad. The werewolf’s claws sliced him open.“ He swallowed hard. “All the way down his chest.”

  Herman dropped the notebook in which he wrote.

  Steve talked faster. “He fell to the ground and I ran to him. I didn’t care about the werewolf anymore. I wasn’t afraid. I wanted my dad. He shifted back to human form once I reached him. I knelt and looked into his eyes. He took my hand.” Tears streamed down his face. “He said he was sorry, that he would always love me and the rest of our family but he wasn’t going to make it through this. He could barely breathe and I knew he was going to die.”

  Herman wrapped his arms around Steve. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “What I had to see was horrible. His body was opened up.”

  Herman held him tighter.

  “Wait a minute.” Steve withdrew from Herman’s arms. “There’s something else that I hadn’t remembered until now. I looked at the werewolf. He hadn’t left because he was hurt. Dad must have torn into him with his teeth. There was a jagged wound that went above and below the werewolf’s left eye. He rubbed it and I saw the blood glistening in the dark. That eye wasn’t yellow anymore. It was mostly black.”


  “Yeah. Black. There was something wrong with his front paw too.” Steve frowned. “Left paw. Instead of five toes, he had fewer. Maybe three?”

  “Sounds like your dad hurt him pretty bad.”

  “Not like he did to Dad.” Steve shook his head and let out a breath. “It was over and I started screaming. The werewolf vanished before I turned around.”

  “Wow! No wonder you’ve had nightmares all these years. What a horrific thing for a child to witness. I’m so sorry.”

  Steve didn’t appear to be listening. “Fifteen years. Oh my God! Could it be?”

  “What?” Herman gave him a questioning look.

  Steve furrowed his brow. “I need to know what’s under Merlotti’s glove.”

  Chapter Seven

  Steve awoke with a yawn. Herman had helped him meditate after the nightmare as Nahla had suggested, and he was finally able to sleep about two hours in a row without tossing and turning. The sleep brought on a nice dream about being in Cancun on vacation. Fun in the sun with his man. He glanced over at Herman sleeping peacefully next to him.


  Herman turned to him with drowsy, sexy eyes. “What?”

  “Wake up.”

  “I’m awake.” Herman blinked at him.

  “I want you to shut your eyes.”

  “You just told me to open them.”

  “Shut them.” Steve smiled.

  Herman groaned and closed his eyes.

  Steve leaned in close. He whispered, “I want you to imagine a place with powdery-white beaches, warm turquoise water and palm trees that sway in the breeze.”

  “Sounds beautiful. Where is it and when are we going?”

  “It’s Cancun and we’re going after we clear your name and put this mess behind us.”

  “It sounds like some kind of fairy tale to me.” Herman opened his eyes and propped up on an elbow. “What brought this on?”

  “I dreamed about being there.”

  “Have you ever?”

  “Oh yeah. Loved it. Seafood, sand, sun and tequila.” Steve wrinkled his nose. “Perfecto.”

  “Well, you’ll have to remind me to go clothes shopping when you’re ready. I haven’t a thing to wear.”

  “You won’t need many clothes.” Steve grinned. “Nothing will be fine.”

  “Well, boyfriend, nothing is only for you. I don’t think the other tourists or locals would want me in nothing. What brought all this on?”

  “I had a restful night. Turn over.”

  Herman turned to his side.

  Steve snuggled behind him. “I’m excited about the additional details my nightmare brought with your help. Thanks.”

  “You never explained what those details meant.”

  “I don’t want to explain anything yet. Sorry. Might jinx it.” Steve’s cock hardened as he pushed against Herman. He took it in his hand and rubbed it against Herman’s ass. “Feel that?”

  “A hard dick rubbing against me again. I’m never going
to get any rest living with you.”

  “Complaining already?”

  “Of course not. I’ve never had so much sex before. I think I could get used to this day in and day out.”

  Steve leaned over and whispered into Herman’s ear. “You’re like a drug to me. A drug so good it should be illegal. I’m always horny for you.”

  “Ha ha. Real funny. That’s probably because I’m always available.”

  Steve laughed. “Well, it doesn’t hurt that you’re laying here naked with nowhere to go. I think that ass is looking for action.” He slapped Herman’s butt.


  Steve grabbed a condom and lube and squirted it on his shaft and Herman’s beautiful ass, taking care to open Herman up with his fingers first.

  Herman gasped as Steve’s rod slowly joined their warm bodies together. Steve thrust deeply inside him and they both moaned with joy.

  “It’s just you and me.” Steve pulled him close. “Forever.” It didn’t take long before the pleasure shot from his body into Herman’s.

  * * * * *

  While on the city bus, Steve received a text from his mom to be extra-vigilant about his surroundings. She said she’d explain more once Steve made it to the office.

  Once he arrived, the mood there was somber.

  Eric and Suzy sat in front of Joni’s desk. Eric had bruising on his cheek, and a finger on his right hand was swollen from the fiasco at the country club. He glanced up at Steve with a frown.

  “What’s going on?” Steve asked.

  Joni let out a breath. “We had a visitor earlier. A Merlotti wolf. A beta sent by their alphas.”

  “There are two?” asked Steve.

  “Yep, I said alphas. Plural. As you know, we put the old alpha in jail, where he remains. Looks like he still helps run things. I’m not naive enough to believe otherwise. And as it turns out, Roberto Merlotti is also an alpha.”

  Steve’s face drained of color. “What?”

  “Roberto didn’t like the little visit that you and Eric paid to his club the other day, or Eric’s visit the day before that.”

  “It’s his club?”

  “He’s the owner. Turns out the old owner mysteriously drowned off the coast of South Africa a few months ago. Go figure. His widow put the place up for sale and since Merlotti had already been a member of the club and was interested, he had the first chance to purchase it.”