BlackMoonRising Read online

Page 6

  He put his arms around Steve’s neck and they kissed gently. The closeness they felt from talking about Herman’s problems was apparent in their touch. All of the fearful emotions that had haunted Herman suddenly faded. He was thrilled that Steve had enough forgiveness in his heart to try to make this work, to take a chance on him after what he had done.

  By the time they reached Steve’s apartment they were more than ready to have sex. It had been difficult keeping their hands to themselves on the bus ride over. The smiles as they looked and lusted on the public bus without touching made Herman’s heart pound. The walk from the bus stop to Steve’s apartment made Herman dizzy with desire as he thought about what the next hour would hold. The kissing started in earnest as soon as they closed the door. Steve’s lips covered Herman’s with firm pressure that spiraled out of control. As their arms wrapped tightly around one another in a clutch they suddenly lost their footing and stumbled over a pile of shoes in the middle of the floor.

  “Don’t worry about the mess. That’s not why you’re here.” Steve smiled.

  He pulled Herman into the bedroom, where they abandoned their clothes to another pile on the floor. Steve crawled on top of Herman and they kissed long and deep and passionately. Their dicks pushed against one another, hardening with each touch of skin on skin. Steve straddled him and they ground their cocks against each other, both groaning with need.

  “Your rod is something else,” Steve breathed out as he ground into Herman again. “It’s big and hard and beautiful, just like the rest of you. You’re my kind of man. Sexy and strong and smart. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I’m getting the picture.” Herman smiled. Steve was attracted to him and the feeling was definitely mutual. He’d never felt so wanted.

  Steve kissed Herman’s lips and neck and moved down his chest slowly, devouring every inch of his body with his lips and tongue. Herman shivered from the excitement and couldn’t help but grin. When Steve’s face reached his shaft, Herman opened his thighs and it bobbed over to the right, hard and curved against his flat abdomen. Steve looked up to Herman’s face and smiled.

  “Hottest fucking fireman I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And what do you know? He’s in my bed.” Steve chuckled. “I’m gonna suck his dick and pummel his ass. You’re mine, lover.”

  Steve squeezed Herman’s cock tightly and dipped his head down to capture the drop of pre-come that escaped from the slit. His mouth covered the head as he sucked and licked and acted like he couldn’t get enough. He looked up to Herman for approval.

  “Oh, yes, baby,” Herman purred. “Don’t stop now.”

  Herman moaned as Steve twirled his tongue around the girth, pulling each ball into his mouth one at a time and sucking gently. He lifted up Herman’s thighs and pushed them against his chest. Steve teased his anus with his tongue and Herman almost came off the bed with desire. Herman felt more pleasure these last couple of days than he had known for years. He moved his ass rhythmically, wanting more. He needed to feel Steve inside him.

  “I want to fuck you so bad,” moaned Steve as he raised his head.

  Herman wet his dry lips with his tongue. “You said I’m yours. That means I’m not going to say no. Take me any way you want.”

  Steve flipped Herman over on his side. After grabbing a condom and lube from his bedside table, he slipped on the condom and covered his erection with the lube. He nudged at the entrance to Herman’s muscled ass and sank his dick in slowly, inch by inch. Herman moaned with delight as each movement opened him more. Finally moving deep within his body, Steve gradually pumped harder with Herman meeting every thrust. They found their pace and the fucking intensified.

  Herman put a hand on his own shaft and started stroking. His grip was slow and leisurely. He wanted this encounter with Steve to last as long as it could.

  “Jerk off for me while I fuck you,” murmured Steve as he watched over his shoulder. He squeezed some lube onto Herman’s hand.

  Herman rubbed it over his rod. He stroked and played and enjoyed knowing that Steve was watching him fuck his fist. He loosened his hand a little, so that Steve could see his dick better. Then he’d hold tight, so that his cock head poked out of his hand and drove Steve wild.

  “Love it,” moaned Steve.

  The sounds of slick flesh being manhandled added to the heat between the two of them. It didn’t take long until Herman’s body tightened with desire as the rod in his hand and the one in his ass took him to the edge of reason. He suddenly couldn’t think anymore. He wouldn’t last much longer and the speed on his shaft increased.

  “You’re so hot,” groaned Steve as he continued to stroke inside Herman. “Come for me. Aim it toward my mouth.”

  Herman felt his release upon him. He slowed down on his stroking, to make his orgasm hit hard. Moments later, it tore through him. It was so powerful that he was unable to focus on anything but the pleasure. His aim was off with his come as it shot in spurts passed Steve’s open mouth, but it didn’t matter. They both enjoyed it. Seconds later, Steve stiffened and came with a shout inside Herman.

  They held each other as their heart rates slowed down. Arms touched, fingers intertwined. Steve stayed inside, filling him and causing overwhelming feelings.

  “You’re incredible,” Steve breathed. He put his head next to Herman’s and sighed. “I think I need a nap.”

  Herman thought that he and Steve fit together like a puzzle piece that had found where it belonged. Their time together since reconnecting had been wonderful. He closed his eyes. He loved every second spent with Steve, every kiss, every caress, every thrust of his cock. Having Steve inside him was something he didn’t want to ever end.

  Muffled noises later on, in the dead of night, startled Herman enough to wake him. It was obvious that Steve having a nightmare. He whimpered in his sleep, thrashed around the bed from side to side.

  Herman shook him roughly. “Steve, wake up!”

  Steve didn’t, just mumbled incoherently. Herman’s throat ached as he held back the tears from watching him. How horrible for Steve. His arms held Steve in the dark until the dream passed and all became quiet again.

  Chapter Five

  Steve checked his phone. Eleven thirty. He and his brother were in the parking lot of the country club. Barbara had been going there every day this week and today was no different. They had followed her BMW from home into the lot a few minutes ago.

  Stakeouts could be boring if nothing went on. The first few hours this morning were tedious as the brothers waited down the street from Barbara’s home for some movement on her part. Since Herman was no longer a suspect, Beck Recovery had decided to focus on Barbara.

  “So Herman is at your place?”


  “You two an item?”

  Steve turned to Eric. “Don’t be telling anyone outside our family.”

  “Gotcha.” Eric made a motion of pulling a zipper over his lips.

  Barbara talked on her phone and laughed as she exited her car. She went into the club through the main entrance and was lost from sight.

  Once they found out that Roberto — one of the famous Merlotti wolves — was a member of the club, everything changed. Roberto was evil and manipulative — at least that was what two former employees and one ex-girlfriend had told the Becks, who had no personal knowledge of the man. He had been off the radar for quite a while. He’d lain low, not getting into any trouble, since his brother had been put in jail fifteen years ago.

  The brothers glanced around the parking lot.

  “Wanna shift and do some nosing around?” asked Eric.

  “You sure there aren’t wolves patrolling the grounds? I bet they’d love a tasty snack.”

  “I didn’t see any of them yesterday. Besides, they wouldn’t be out patrolling during the day. Wolves don’t own this place. Merlotti is only a member.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Not completely, but we should know soon.”

onder if he’s here. Do you know what kind of car he drives?”

  “No car registered to him and the last known address is actually an old apartment that he’d never live in. Too shabby for a Merlotti family member.”

  “How about we shift to a couple of cute little nondescript dogs? We’re getting nowhere here. At least we can sneak a look through the back windows of the club and see what’s going on.” Steve put his passenger-side window down and unbuttoned his shirt.

  A few minutes later, two small dogs peeked out of the open window and jumped from the car. One was a beagle mix and the other looked more like a terrier of some sort. They moved stealthily between the cars to the back of the club, hiding in the bushes by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  A door opened and an older man walked outside with Barbara. They strolled along the concrete walkway away from the building as the dogs glanced at each other. Once the couple made it farther out onto the grounds, the pooches followed quietly at a distance.

  “Barbara, we’d love to place a stone or plant a tree in one of our gardens to commemorate your husband. Since he became ill, many people around here had missed seeing him. We were shocked by his death at the hands of his own son.”

  “Thank you for your kind words.” Barbara smiled. “I know Lawrence would love to be remembered that way.” She put her hands inside her coat pockets. “It’s chillier than I thought it would be today.”

  They came to an area of rock and stone garden beds full of tall grasses, spiraeas and low-growing evergreen shrubs. Barbara sat down on a wooden bench. The dogs inched between the shrubs nearby to listen.

  “Thank you, Cyrus. Please let me know when it’s time to pick something out.”

  “Will do.” He nodded. “Here comes Roberto.” Cyrus turned to the handsome man with salt-and-pepper hair. He had on a dark overcoat and black leather gloves.

  “Cyrus, thank you for keeping Barbara company for me.”

  Cyrus bowed. “See you two inside.” He started walking back to the building.

  Roberto sat down next to her. “Any news about Herman?”

  “No. I’m afraid not.”

  “I’m tired of waiting for the police or recovery agents to pick him up.” He crossed his legs. “Some of my own people are looking for him. Don’t fret. We’ll get that bastard.”

  The dogs turned to each other. Steve couldn’t help but whimper at the news.

  “I feel guilty seeing you so soon in public.”

  “Public, private. What does it matter? We can finally be together. After a reasonable time period, we’ll marry.”

  “Please, Roberto.” She shook her head. “I can’t think about anything like that right now.”

  “In due time.” He took her hand and held it inside his gloved hands. “You’re shivering.”

  “I forgot my gloves today.” She smiled.

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s go inside and have lunch. I have a business meeting later.”

  When they stood, Roberto saw Steve and Eric in the shrubs. He stared a moment and the expression on his face darkened. He picked up a handful of small stones from the garden and started throwing them at the dogs. As they ran, his aim became better.

  “What are you doing?” Barbara asked, frowning. “They’re so little. You’re going to hurt them.”

  “Hurting them is the objective. They’re not supposed to be on the premises.” Roberto picked up more stones. He continued to bombard the dogs, hitting his marks numerous times as they hurried away. A last stone hit the beagle mix squarely on its left hip, and it fell to the ground with a thud.

  “Oh dear.” Barbara gasped, putting a hand to her mouth.

  “Leave it for the wolves,” Roberto hissed as he turned away.

  “Wolves? Here?”

  He laughed. “I’m joking, Barbara. Quit taking everything I say so literally.” He took her arm with his gloved hand. “Let’s go.”

  Roberto and Barbara started for the club and moved out of sight just in time. Steve and Eric had shifted back into human form on the ground.

  “Steve, Steve.” Eric shook him. “Wake up.”

  Steve opened his eyes, but then closed them again. “Are they gone?”


  “I hurt all over,” Steve said.

  “Me too. That bastard.”

  “He knew we were shifters.”

  “I’m sure of it.”

  “Those two obviously have something going on. I didn’t like what he said about his people looking for Herman.”

  Eric let out a breath. “Scary. But they didn’t actually say anything about killing the elder Mr. Fleming. He just acted like Herman did it.”

  “Right. They didn’t admit it this time. I need to rest a few minutes but I won’t be able to shift again. You’ll have to go to the car and get our clothes.”

  Eric glanced around them. “Looks like nobody’s out here. Damn cold, though.” He crossed his arms and rubbed them together.

  “He hurt my leg and my arm.” He moved his right side and grimaced in pain.

  “I’m already feeling sore too. We’re sure to have bruises later.”

  “I saw that blown pupil you were talking about. It certainly stands out. Could have been from a previous traumatic eye injury.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too.” Eric stood. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Steve closed his eyes and let his body rest. He hoped he would be able to get up by the time Eric returned.

  * * * * *

  Herman was shocked at Steve’s appearance when he entered the apartment. His right eye looked bruised and his cheeks were swollen. “What happened? Tell me!” He jumped up from the couch.

  “There’s something we need to discuss first. Sit back down.”

  He fell to the couch. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m a shapeshifter.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Herman croaked. “That’s kind of an important piece of information.”

  “I’m sorry, Herman. We’ve had enough issues with your problems that I hadn’t thought about telling you mine. Eric is one and so was my dad. Suzy and my mom aren’t.”

  “What do you shift to?”

  “My family can only be domestic dogs.” Steve shrugged. “I was told that a hundred years ago my ancestors could shift into any animal they chose. But living in this city, even all those years ago, it wasn’t normal to see a tiger or bear. A dog always blends in. I don’t know whether it was by choice or necessity but it happened and stayed with us.”

  He shook his head. “Unfuckingbelievable. It’s one thing after another with you. Since we haven’t known each other very long, I guess I’m on a need-to-know basis. Is there anything else you’re not telling me? Any other issues that will shock me when I’m least expecting it?”

  Steve cocked an eyebrow. “I could ask you the same question.”

  “Really?” Herman snorted. “Is that the best you can do? No, Steve, I have no other secrets. I’m just a boring, gay human firefighter who is on the run from the law for a murder he didn’t commit. The bounty hunter out for my arrest hid me in his apartment, where we have hot-blooded sex that I hope will never end. End of my fucking story.”

  Herman went into the bedroom, slammed the door and threw himself on the bed. Not only was he in hiding for a crime he didn’t commit, he’d fallen for a guy with his own issues. His life was a mess. He didn’t know if this whole romance thing was a good idea or not. But damn, why was their private time together so passionate? Why did things feel so right? Why was he already in love?

  Steve knocked on the door. He opened it and peeked around the corner. “I’m sorry. Can I come in?”

  Maybe Herman should go with the flow. Throw caution to the wind. Live and let live. All the clichés. He let out a breath. “Yeah. Why not? It’s your place. Your messy place.”

  “You now know all my secrets, Herman. One, I still have nightmares about my dad’s death. Two, I had anxiety about
why you left me. Three, I’m a shapeshifter. Four, I’m gay. That’s it.”

  “All right.” Herman shrugged. “Whatever. You shouldn’t have anxiety about me anymore because we’re both gay and we spend a lot of time naked together. Two of your issues are gone. I do know a little about paranormals. We have a couple at the fire station. There’s a shifter who is a firefighter, and a vamp who works a desk job since he can’t get near fire. I’m comfortable with them, but wasn’t expecting this from you.”

  “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? I truly didn’t mean to keep this from you.”

  Herman put up a hand. “Let me finish. I’ve never had a paranormal as a lover and have no complaints so far. I guess you’ll have to let me know when something comes up that is unfamiliar to me. Keep me in the loop and let me learn. We’ll see how it goes.”

  Steve smiled. “I will.”

  “Now three of your issues are gone. I don’t know what we’re going to do about the dad nightmares. Something to work on.” Herman’s eyebrows rose. “Are you ever going to shapeshift during sex?”

  “No.” Steve leaned over the bed and gave Herman a quick kiss.

  “How about when there’s a full moon?”

  Steve froze. “Yes. We are compelled to shift during a full moon.” He pulled his phone from a pocket and opened the calendar. “That reminds me. This is February and there are two dark cycles of the moon this month. Guess you’re safe.” He pinched Herman’s arm.

  Herman let out a breath. “Now tell me why you look beat up.”

  Steve explained what had happened to him and Eric at the club. “I’m sure that Merlotti and Barbara have something going on. There have been many calls to and from the club on her phone.”

  “I’m not surprised.” He shook his head in dismay. “My dad was good to her, too.”

  “We still have no proof of anyone killing him.”

  “What about that Merlotti guy?”

  “There was nothing to indicate forced entry into the house. We studied the police report and checked everything out the day we were there looking for you.”