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BlackMoonRising Page 10

“That man right over there at the desk,” said the woman, pointing to a man with long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. “We’ve changed ownership and I know they’d love to bring in some younger people.”

  “Thanks again.” Suzy winked.

  She walked over to the desk as the man hung up the phone.

  “Good afternoon. May I help you?” He glanced at the dogs and then to Suzy’s face.

  “I’m interested in joining the club and getting information about the requirements,” Suzy explained.

  “The manager is out today and we’re setting up for a party tonight.” He flashed a grin. “Is it possible to come back tomorrow?”

  “I was in the area and thought I would run in.” She wrinkled her nose. “Could I walk around a little to see the place? I’ll only be a few minutes. Promise.”

  “I’d love to show you around but I can’t leave the desk. We’re too busy right now getting everything ready.” He glanced around him and then spoke softly. “If you can be quick, walk around the first floor. Feel free to look inside the ballroom, check out the fitness center. Go outside and peek at the golf course and pool. The basement is off-limits to members and guests.” He handed her a brochure as the front desk phone rang again.

  “Will do.” Suzy shoved the brochure into her bag.

  “Please don’t let the dogs out of your bag. We will not be responsible if anything happens to them.” He picked up the phone.

  “Thank you.”

  He gazed at her. “I hope to see you another day.”

  She walked to her left, down the hallway with the most doors. The dogs peeked out of her bag, taking in everything around them. Suzy encountered the large open doors of the ballroom first. It took up most of the left side of the building. Workers were setting up tables and decorating the walls. Suzy and the dogs briefly glanced into the room and moved on. They looked into the fitness center on the opposite side of the hallway and saw people working out. The locker rooms were next, followed by a locked door. They had reached the end of the hallway.

  A large oil painting with an opulent frame hung there. It was a painting of a den of wolves, with three cubs poking their heads out from a cleft between rocks in a dense forest.

  “Pretty picture,” cooed Suzy. She gave a knowing chuckle.

  The locked door next to her suddenly opened and a man came through. He barely gave her a glance as he hurried away. Before the door closed, she grabbed the doorknob. The three peered down a dark set of stairs leading to the basement.

  “I don’t hear anything,” she whispered to the dogs. “Guess this is your chance to have a look down there.” She sat her bag on the floor and they hopped out. Suzy pulled off one of her shoes and propped it in the door to hold it open. “I’ll stand here as long as I can. You both know the signals to tell me what you need. Hurry.”

  The dogs ran down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, they stopped and listened before running to their left. The basement was partially finished with rooms built but no doors attached to them.

  Steve stopped short at the second doorway, like a car braking at an intersection. He thought he heard moaning coming from the inside. He entered slowly, with Eric right behind him. In the corner of the room on the floor sat Herman in his robe, a locked metal collar around his neck. That was chained to the wall. He looked up when he saw them.

  Steve whimpered as he went over to Herman. He could barely stand to see him this way without getting choked up. His face, legs and feet were dirty and there was a bloody scratch down his left calf. His robe was untied and he was naked underneath.

  “Steve, is that you?” Herman looked with widened eyes as Steve shifted to a man.

  “Oh baby, I thought I had lost you.” Steve let out a breath. “Are you okay? What did those monsters do?” He put his hands to each side of Herman’s face and kissed his cheeks, his forehead and then his lips.

  “Nothing yet. I haven’t even seen Merlotti.” Herman shrugged. “He’ll be here later to talk to me. All his underlings did was rough me up and throw me down here after they grabbed me from your apartment. I’m okay.”

  “Glad to hear that.”

  “You have to be careful. Wolves patrol the grounds at night. I heard them say if you and Eric showed up, you wouldn’t have a chance. They’d kill you.”

  “I think they’re being a little sure of themselves. They don’t give us enough credit for our experience. That last incident at this club was a one-time thing. No more than that.”

  Steve turned to Eric, who was still a Chihuahua. “We may need everything in that dog backpack that Suzy has. If you go upstairs and get it, I’ll stay with Herman.”

  Eric took off toward the stairs. Steve checked the chain, but was unable to set Herman free. It was only moments before Eric returned. He had on a backpack with small saddlebags on each side. Steve pulled it off.

  Eric shifted to a man and flashed a grin. “We’re prepared this time. No worries.”

  Steve grabbed the phone from the backpack and texted Suzy to get out of the building fast. His next text was to Nahla. The potential Plan B they had discussed was needed.

  “Guess we’ll have to wait on this.” Eric folded his arms. “No easy way out.”

  Steve took another object out of the backpack. It was no bigger than a finger. “This is a wireless video and audio recorder with an FM wireless transmitter. It easily captures conversations. My mom will pick up the signal and will be able to listen. If Merlotti says anything to implicate himself, we’ll have it. I’m sorry baby, but you need to get information out of him any way you can. Make him talk.”

  “What will happen then?”

  “My mom will have the police on standby to help arrest a murderer whose name is not Herman Fleming.” Steve tried to smile. “Be tough.”

  “I can be tough.” Herman frowned. “No worries there. Remember that I run into fires to save people and property.”

  “I know you do.” Steve kissed him, but worried anyway.

  “How about setting the transmitter on those rows of stacked boxes in the corner. “ Eric walked that way. “It can point towards Herman and, hopefully, Merlotti.”

  “Good idea.” Steve followed and positioned the recorder until he was satisfied.

  Steve and Eric moved the boxes enough that they could hide behind them. Now it was time to do something they knew well from their jobs.


  * * * * *

  Hours later they heard voices and people coming down the steps. Steve saw Merlotti. He entered the room like an approaching storm, dark and looming. He was dressed in a tuxedo and the two men next to him were in street clothes.

  “Well, what do we have here in chains? My future stepson?”

  “Never!” barked a defiant Herman.

  Merlotti laughed. “I’m afraid you’re correct. You won’t live to be my stepson. All loose ends must be eliminated.”

  “You monster! You killed my father!”

  “Correct, but the sequence of events didn’t turn out the way I intended that day. I thought that Barbara would pull the knife out of him when she came home.”

  Herman frowned. “You planned on framing her?”

  “Once she was arrested, I would be her loyal supporter and use all my resources to get her released and find the real killer. I’d pin the murder on an unlucky bastard I hate, who happened to be found with a key to the house, cash, bonds and jewelry and a criminal record that included safecracking. When that happened, she would marry me without thinking twice.” Merlotti put a finger to his lips and looked away. “I still need to get rid of that guy.”

  “How did you get the combination to the safe?”

  “Barbara kept it on her phone.” He laughed. “I had no idea you would show up that day and change the plan. You’ve actually made things easier because I can get rid of you earlier than intended. You were a fugitive who broke into my club tonight. I’ll call the police in the morning but you will already be dead.”

What would have been my motive for stealing from the safe?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Merlotti shrugged. “Those questions will never be asked because you’ll be dead. Perhaps you and your father had a fight that day. Perhaps you were scared after you killed him and planned on running away, which is what you did.”

  Herman looked down to the floor.

  Merlotti sighed. “I don’t want you to have any part of the estate either. That home is perfect for me and so close to my new den.” He put a gloved finger to his lip and tapped it. “I actually don’t want to split the estate with anyone, but that story continues another day.”

  Steve took that to mean that not only was Merlotti going to kill Herman, but also Barbara, once they were married. He would then be the sole heir to the estate. Bastard! He glanced at the recorder. It appeared to be working, and hopefully his mom and the police were listening and on their way.

  One of the men with Merlotti twitched his nose. “What’s that smell? Is it cologne or something else?”

  Merlotti sniffed the air with a perplexed look on his face. “It could be a couple of things, Jimmy. I’m not sure which one right now.”

  “It’s my cologne, you idiots,” snapped Herman. “Hope it repels you.”

  “Pretty cocky for a chained man.” Merlotti chuckled.

  “I think I like the smell,” muttered Jimmy, staring at Herman. “You are quite a looker, aren’t you? Tall, dark and especially freaking handsome.”

  Merlotti laughed. “My gamma here was excited to be one of the chosen wolves to tear you apart. Once I told him you were gay too, he requested to take a few liberties before he did the deed.” He shrugged. “I don’t care one way or another what he does to you. He’s all yours, Jimmy.”

  Jimmy walked closer to Herman and eyed him up and down. “I think I’d like that pretty mouth to suck me before I shift and eat you.” He pulled Herman’s robe open and stared. “Damn. Look at this hard body. I might need a day or two with him, boss. He’s too fine to kill right away.”

  “Fuck off!” cried Herman, his chest heaving in rage.

  “I bet you’ve got a nice ass, too.” Jimmy licked his lips. “I like his spirit and a whole lot more.”

  “Sorry, not in the plan.” Merlotti shook his head. “This ends tonight.”

  Jimmy unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down in front of Herman’s face. He jiggled his hardening shaft and grinned. “Time to get moving with those lips, lover boy. Feel free to suck as hard as your anger makes you. I can take it. Don’t think otherwise.”

  Merlotti turned to leave the group.

  Steve seethed. This wasn’t going to happen. He glanced at his phone. Not time yet. Damn! Nahla needed a few more minutes for maximum black-moon effectiveness, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Herman would not be sucking anyone’s dick. He burst from behind the boxes. “Get away from him, you fucking wolf!”

  Merlotti and his underlings quickly turned to Steve with surprised looks.

  “What’s this?” Merlotti crossed his arms. “A naked shapeshifter. So that’s what the cologne hid. I wondered if anything was up.” He laughed. “And by the looks of him, I believe this one is Steven Beck.”

  “Yeah, I’m Steven Beck.”

  “You actually helped me find Herman, so I owe you a bit of thanks. Really had no idea you had him holed up in your own bed.” His eyebrows rose. “Color me surprised.”

  “Not only did you kill Lawrence Fleming, you killed my father fifteen years ago,” Steve spouted as he pointed a finger. “I saw you! He’s the one who hurt your eye, caused your facial scars and took your fingers.”

  “Hmm.” Merlotti frowned. “That’s right. I forgot you were there. How sad for a young boy to see all of that mess.” He pulled off a glove and held the hand with the missing fingers up high. “Look familiar? Your father put my brother in jail and that is where he still sits today. He received just desserts. But I do give him credit for being a great fighter.”

  “When my dad was killed, I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I wasn’t strong enough.” Steve suddenly felt a power come over him unlike anything he had ever known before. It was a rushed tingling from his head, down his torso to his arms and legs. He felt blood traveling throughout his body, could almost see it as his muscles filled with strength.

  Nahla’s intoxicating voice entered his brain. “The power of the black moon is upon you! Shift, shapeshifters, shift!”

  He glared at Merlotti. “Well asshole, I’m strong enough now!”

  Eric rushed from behind the boxes in the same power mode as Steve. Not one but two forces to be reckoned with. As they stared at each other their minds synchronized and the beasts within them rose.

  They swiftly shifted into massive dogs, Steve into a Rottweiler, Eric a mastiff — with teeth triple the size they would normally be. Saliva fell from their mouths in copious amounts. Their barks were deep, loud and downright scary. The foundation of the basement shook and the windows rattled from the forcefulness of the noise.

  The three werewolves shifted and attacked but it was too late. The dogs were already upon them with a superpower that took the werewolves by surprise. The gamma with the revolting interest in Herman was immediately castrated, his balls yanked from their sac and thrown against the wall. He screamed in pain. Heads were kicked. Spines dislocated and crushed. Throats squeezed until breath was gone. It wasn’t hard for the commanding dogs.

  The wolves didn’t stand a chance.

  More wolves ran down the basement stairs in startling numbers to help, but came to a standstill at the horror they encountered. Many retreated but others joined the fight. Once Steve’s sharp teeth pulled Merlotti’s heart from his chest, all movement in the room ceased. Every wolf’s eye was upon him. The super-powered Rottweiler dangled the still-beating, bloody heart on his lower left canine tooth and looked into his victim’s barely alive eyes. There was no remorse there for sins of the past.

  A flick of his head and the heart was thrown into Eric’s waiting mouth.

  Chapter Nine

  “I love your hair now that it’s back to brown. Sexy.” Herman bent over and kissed Steve. “Thanks for doing that for me. Blond hair did not go with your coloring or a brown five o’clock shadow.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You sound like my brother. I expect yours to be growing longer on top anytime now. I can’t wait to see it tousled when you throw your head back in ecstasy from something I did to you.” Steve beamed.

  “I do like my hair longer. No problem there, babe.”

  “Thanks for shaving for me. I like that smooth face.” His fingers fluttered down Herman’s soft cheek.

  “You might want to start wearing sunglasses more. All that squinting you do is putting lines between your eyes. I want my man to stay young-looking.”

  Steve chuckled. He looked up into the clear blue sky and squinted. “All right. I see your point.”

  It had been a long day in the hot Cancun sun and Herman looked good enough to eat in his clinging black trunks. No other tourists were close by as they lay on towels in the sand sunbathing. Paradise.

  Steve had trouble keeping erotic thoughts tucked away about what he’d like to do to that beautiful dick hiding underneath the trunks. Imagining it in his mouth gave him a hard-on. He had plenty of those since being with Herman.

  They waved to Eric, who walked down the beach with a man he’d met at the neighboring hotel. Looked like he finally came out.

  They glanced at Suzy, who sipped rum drinks at the pool bar with her boyfriend. A nice family vacation. Too bad their mom couldn’t join them this time but someone had to run Beck Recovery. Mom would be getting a well-deserved vacation in sunny Hawaii soon with Aunt Lisa.

  He wrapped his arms around Herman. “I love you.”

  Herman sighed. “I love you too.”

  “When I think that I might have lost you, might not never have seen your eyes or touched your body again, it makes it hard not to cry.”

  “But it didn’t happen.” He
rman shook his head. “Everything is perfect.”

  “Just looking at you makes my cock hard.”


  Steve grinned. “I want to fuck that beautiful ass of yours and eat you alive.”

  “Eww.” Herman stiffened and pushed him away. “Fucking my ass is fine but after that spectacle I saw at the country club, I don’t think I want words like eating me alive used anymore, even in jest. You scared me half to death.”

  “I know that must have been rough.” Steve kissed him gently. “I’m sorry but it had to be done. At least it was over quickly. I didn’t plan to kill the wolves but they weren’t going to let us go. I had no doubt that my mom would get there with the police after they heard Merlotti confess to everything. And I had the chance to cover my baby before anyone else got an eyeful of his hotness.” He placed a hand on Herman’s shaft and gently squeezed.

  “’Here comes my hero.’ That’s exactly what I thought when you finally shifted back to a man and came over to me. But I have to tell you that when you and Eric became those scary dogs, I was terrified.” Herman shuddered.

  Steve clenched his teeth. “Sorry that you saw me shift into something frightening. Remember that I can be a cute dog too.”

  “Like the Chihuahua.” Herman grinned.

  “Or any other lovable dog.” Steve put a hand up. “Knot your fingers through mine. I want to hold hands.”

  Herman intertwined his fingers with Steve’s and squeezed. “Since we can’t decide if we should move into your apartment or mine, maybe we should look into a condo. A big one, so we can have parties. I have extra money and I don’t have a problem keeping the place clean.”

  “I’m sad for the way you got the money.”

  “But I’m lucky to have had so much time with him. I’m sorry that you didn’t have that kind of time with your father.”

  “Everyone has their memories and nightmares. Some more than others.”

  Herman shrugged. “Time to move forward. For both of us.”

  “I’m crazy in love with you, baby. I need you to know that. All I want is in your gorgeous eyes.”